Woman {wife} submit to your man {husband} in EVERYTHING as you
would to Yah and as Yahooshua did to those who beat him and
executed him
James Robertson
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In order to better understand the previous article on the 144,000 men not defiled by women it is necessary to understand the fundamentals of what Yah has prescribed in terms of the relationship between a woman and her man {wife and her husband}.
This article is deliberately one-sided, it deals ONLY with submission of the woman to the man, there is a counter-balancing prescription that men should treat their women gently, considerately and tenderly.
However, there is a HUGE body of teaching on this most of which has the net effect that men are taught to submit to their women in everything because women are so fragile and temperamental that a man should do whatever their women desire – my words, NOT what is taught explicitly but what IS taught implicitly.
To return to the purpose of this article, consider:
Ephesians 5:21-25
"22 Women {Wives}, submit yourselves unto your own men {husbands}, as unto Yah {the Lord}.
"23 For the man {husband} is the head of the woman, even as the anointing of the Spirit of Yah {Christ} [that is Yah] is the head of the body of believers {church}: and he is the saviour of the body.
"24 Therefore as the body of believers {church} are subject unto the Spirit of Yah {Christ}, so let the women {wives} be to their own husbands in every thing." KJV adjusted
Colossians 3:18-19
18 Women, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in Yah {the Lord}. KJV adjusted
1 Peter 2 and 3:1-6
1 Peter 2 details how Yahooshua {Jesus} submitted to those who falsely accused him, beat him, tortured him and executed him and commands:
"3:1 Likewise [like Yahooshua], ye women {wives}, be in subjection to your own men {husbands}; that, if any obey not the commandments of Yah {the word}, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the women;
"2 While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.
"3 Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;
"4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of Yah of great price.
"5 For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in Yah, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own men {husbands}:
"6 Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement." KJV adjusted
Thus we see that a woman should submit to her man even if he is not serving Yah and treats her terribly and so we see a clear and unambiguous commandment to women to submit to their man in everything as though they were submitting to Yah.
Pre-conditions for sexual life covenant {marriage}
This raises some MASSIVE ISSUES, specifically woman do NOT enter into sexual life covenant {marry} / have sexual intercourse with a man UNTIL:
you are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN he is the right man;
that you are certain that Yah has given him to be your head;
that he is MORE MATURE than you in the things of Yah;
that he is closer in relationship to Yah than you;
that he is more KNOWLEDGEABLE in the things of Yah than you;
that he understands his obligations toward you in terms of this commandment thoroughly and is committed to keeping those obligations;
that YOU are absolutely CERTAIN that you are willing to submit to him in EVERYTHING as though you were submitting to Yah!
This is massive!
Remember that in addition to the above, Yah has appointed for the man to be:
The prophet – spokesperson of Yah to his women and children – Yah does not need to speak to you – whatever your man says to you that Yah has said to him you take it as though it is from Yah and act accordingly – the man is accountable if he is lying
The priest – minister to his family on behalf of Yah and to Yah on behalf of his family – do whatever you man says in service of Yah including supporting your man in the ministry given him by Yah
The king – the judge and disciplinary figure on behalf of Yah in his family – if your man tells you are out of line then receive that as if it comes from Yah and course correct as necessary
The implications of this are substantial:
Single women – virgins, widows and those out of harlotry
If you are a single woman in Yah today there are virtually no men available on the planet who satisfy the above seven points, there are seven times more women than men in the body of true believers.
So, if you are joined {married} to a man who meets some or all of the above requirements you have GREAT reason to be VERY thankful, because there are few women who are in this blessed situation.
If you are single ask Yah to take away your sexual drive and seek to be content as a single woman and seek other women of similar maturity or greater maturity in Yah to be friends and to share your life and eschew the company of men socially. Choose to be a widow or a virgin unless you are a young woman who is privileged by Yah to find a suitable man before all those in the relevant age group are taken.
If you must have sex find another woman in the same circumstances and enter into a life time sexual relationship with her.
Those married below their station
Most women who are close to Yah are married to men below their station, that is men who do NOT meet some or all of the above criteria.
Note that in such circumstances the commandment to you is STILL "submit in everything" – this literally means everything – submit if he beats you, forces you to use habit forming drugs, puts you into prostitution, treats you vilely in every possible way, submit till he kills you or he dies or Yah takes you out.
For those of you women who are NOT in covenant union {married} to a man please take note of the previous paragraph, this is a VERY strong reason NOT to get into bed (literally) with the wrong man.
Those married to men who meet the above criteria
Be VERY grateful for you are amongst a very small and very select group of VERY PRIVILEGED women who have a man they can easily submit to.
Recognize that Yah views those men very favourably and recognize that if you refuse to submit and argue, manipulate or in other ways contend with, rebel against or undermine your man Yah will deal HARSHLY with you and will, after a season, permit your man to put you away {divorce} you. There are MANY other women who are suitable for your man, literally hundreds of thousands.
Accordingly, if you are currently in contention with your man you are advised to clean up your act smartly!
Those who are already in submission
It is so that there are very FEW women of any category who are TRULY in submission to their man and such women are HIGHLY FAVOURED by Yah and highly pleasing to Him and will be greatly blessed. Yah says there are "fewer than 500 women on earth today" who fully satisfy this requirement and most of these are in union with men who treat them terribly.
If you are a woman please take deep and serious note of the above and make whatever adjustments are necessary.
If you are a man, note your responsibility to live life in a way that makes it easy for your woman to submit but note also that once you have done all you can to clean up your act Yah will require you to divorce your woman if, after due warning, she fails to submit in everything – there are MANY women out there that Yah would love to bless with a good man and He has little patience for privileged woman who abuse their position.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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